Friday, September 30, 2011

Perhaps she is finished...

Well, I have to send off a JPG of the painting to enter a local competition, so it's as finished as it's going to get for that...but I think it's quite likely I will continue to add a little here and there, at least until such time as I find out whether or not my work has been accepted.

It occurred to me today that my paintings are always more than just paintings to me.  I think it's to do with the layers of thoughts, the attempt to capture all the feelings and ideas that I have in my head AS I'm painting, and with the search for some intangible thing, some magic or meaning, the attempt (always unsuccessful of course) to encompass something too big for a mere canvas to hold.  It's the STORY, in all its marvelous, mutable glory.  But that's also the beauty of it...the story is ever unfolding, never ending.  Never to be captured and pinned down.  Always free.  Like Beauty and her Wolfheart.

The poem is HERE if you haven't read it and would like to.


Valerianna said... 1

OH, I do think this is my favorite painting of yours ever... it seems like a sister-piece to the talismans, soul-nourishing!

Ms. said... 2

Oh do keep running
barefoot in the low hills.
Your inspiration
and talents are one there.

Lovely and potent work!

Nancy said... 3

Love this painting & poem. Your talent is amazing!

Joel Le Blanc said... 4

Love it, love it, love it! Have you ever read "Memory and Dream" by Charles De Lint? The main character, a painter named Izzy, creates a series of mythic/magic themed paintings -- and for some reason this painting just strikes me as the sort of painting I always imagined she would have painted. It really is beautiful and I can feel the heart in it. We are all so lucky here to have artists like you who share their work for everyone to see. Thank you so much!

jude said... 5

dimension, wow

trish said... 6

I love this painting I really do.
The poem is wonderful. What talent you have.x

Ruthie Redden said... 7

This is so beautiful, I love the process you go through with your work, the pondering & the layering , and what a story unfolds x

Mo Crow said... 8

Wow! you are totally brilliant!

Windsongs and Wordhoards said... 9

Wow! The way you've painted the wolf and her hair, and given such intensity and self posessedness to her face...
She feels such a strong character, full of strength and pride, and at peace with herself now at the end. Your words bring her to life, or rather HER words... reading it I very much hear it with her voice and her inflections of longing,regret,pride and derision.
An amazing illustration of an amazing poem - she absolutely lives through your work and makes me wonder about her life and its turns, loves and sorrows...

Oops I'm waffling on a bit aren't I, but I'm just so taken with this and the whole story, really good work!
Carrie... :)

Windsongs and Wordhoards said... 10

P.S. if you ever decide to do a print of this, please do tip us the wink!!

Valerianna said... 11

I came back to see her again, so smitten am I. I'm enjoying the hair/tree/wolf... I love the wildness there. I'm with Carrie, if you do list a print of this, let us know, and I think they should be BIG prints.... one needs to move into this with ones body, not just head it seems.

the spirit that moves me said... 12

This is absolutely stunning. I think your instincts about layering have paid off here - it is so rich, complex, compelling! I would also love a print if you ever make them!

Julia Guthrie said... 13

It really is magic. I hope that when some time passes & you look back on this one you can see what we see :) xx

artymess said... 14

Beautiful painting and words......x

Tammie Lee said... 15

this is powerfully gorgeous!

Katie said... 16

wow,your paintings are amazing! simply amazing!

Barry said... 17

MIA - sign of a truly good piece when you know it is good but want to do that little bit more so that it shines and not only 'entertains' but requires the viewer to be engaged and learn. Hope it is accepted and can have the opportunity to shine. B

Beth Morey said... 18

Wow your work is absolutely incredible!

fiona said... 19

You have such wonderful talent.. this is such beautiful work and I'm grateful to you for posting the link so I could read the poem and story. I saw Jack in the Green in your shop this morning and was really struck by him (and didn't think Colin Farrell, lol!). Will look out for your beautiful work on Etsy, warm regards (came by way of Whispering Earth)

Brittany said... 20

It's perfect... so incredibly beautiful. I hope you offer prints someday :).

Kathryn Dyche said... 21

Wow, your work is truly amazing. So beautiful.

chopoli said... 22

Absolutely beautiful!!!!!

Jackie Morris said... 23

Mmmm... beautiful.

Raggle Taggle Gypsy Girl said... 24

This is wonderful and has given me food for thought.....Thank you.....

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